There are many potential reasons why your scanner might not be connecting to the network. Some of the most common issues are outlined in this article, but it is important to diagnose and address the problem as soon as possible.
1. Check Wi-Fi Credentials: The first step in troubleshooting your scanner’s connection is to check that the correct Wi-Fi credentials have been entered into the scanner. If any of the information is incorrect or missing, the scanner will not be able to connect to the network. It is also important to ensure that the router or access point has been configured correctly, including being powered on and having the correct password.
2. Check for Firmware Updates: Outdated firmware can prevent a scanner from connecting to a network. Checking for updates and applying them if necessary can help resolve any connection issues.
3. Check Scanner Position: If the scanner is too far away from the router, it may not be able to connect. Ensure that the scanner is in close proximity to the router or access point. Additionally, it is best to avoid placing the scanner near any barriers that might interfere with its Wi-Fi signal, such as walls, bookcases, or metal filing cabinets.
4. Change the Channel: Network routers and access points broadcast over several channels, and changes in environmental conditions can lead to interference on a particular channel. If you are using a single-band router, try changing the Wi-Fi channel number; this should eliminate any interference and allow the scanner to connect. Multi-band routers don’t need to have their channels changed.
5. Use an Ethernet Cable: If the scanner is in close proximity to the router or access point, a wired connection may provide a more reliable connection. Try connecting the scanner to the router via an Ethernet cable for the best results.
6. Check for Firewall Issues: Firewalls are designed to protect a network from unauthorized and malicious activity, but they can also block legitimate devices like scanners. If a firewall is blocking the scanner, try adding the IP address of the scanner to the firewall’s whitelist to allow it through.
7. Check Network Access Settings: Many scanners require specific network access settings to successfully connect to a network. This includes other network security settings like MAC address filtering, port forwarding and IP address filtering. These settings must be configured on the router or access point for the scanner to connect.
8. Reset the Network Hardware: If all else fails, resetting the router or access point can resolve many connection issues. This should only be done as a last resort, as it will erase any settings configured on the router or access point.
By addressing these potential issues, it is possible to resolve any network connection issues with a scanner. Remember to check the power, Wi-Fi credentials, and network access settings before attempting more advanced troubleshooting techniques.