Why does my screen keep flickering when I try to play a game?

Screen flickering is a common issue when playing video games. There are several potential causes for why this may be happening, but fortunately there are ways to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. Here are some possible reasons and solutions for why your screen is flickering when you play games.

1. Issue with graphics card: Your graphics card, or graphics processing unit (GPU), is responsible for processing the graphics of your game and sending them to your monitor. If your GPU is not functioning properly, having an outdated driver, or not powerful enough for the game, it could cause your screen to flicker. It may be necessary to check your graphics card manufacturer’s website and update the driver, upgrade your graphics card, or choose games that are more suited for the capabilities of your current graphics card.

2. Struggling to keep up with the frame rate: Frame rate, or the number of frames being displayed per second, plays a role in how smooth a game runs. If your graphics card isn’t strong enough to maintain the set frame rate specified by the game, it could lead to choppy or flickering visuals. You can try adjusting the video settings within the game (e.g. lowering resolution or turning off anti-aliasing) or updating your graphics card’s drivers.

3. Poor or inadequate cable connection: If the cables connecting your computer to your monitor are loose or faulty, it could cause the display to flicker. Make sure that all of your cables are properly plugged in and check to see if the issue resolves after swapping out the cables for new ones.

4. Power fluctuations: If your computer is having difficulty supplying consistent power to the monitor, it can result in frequent flickering. Issues like this can commonly be associated with a worn-out power adapter. Make sure to replace any malfuncitoning adapters and consider using a surge protector to help with power fluctuations.

5. Overheating: When components such as the graphics card become too hot, they may start to malfunction or run slower than normal. This can cause the screen to flicker as the game has difficulty displaying the graphics information. It is important to check the temperatures of your graphics card and other components to ensure that nothing is overheating. Utilizing a laptop cooling pad can also help to reduce heat buildup.

If you’ve gone through all these steps and still haven’t been able to resolve the issue, then it may be worth taking your computer to a technician to have them look at it. Screen flickering can be caused by a variety of problems, so it’s best to leave it in the hands of an expert.