1. Always use original or certified hardware components: The use of appropriate, quality hardware components can reduce the risk and frequency of hardware issues in Windows. Only purchase hardware components from reliable and certified retailers and manufacturers.
2. Use a trusted source for driver updates: Drivers are software programs that allow your computer to interact with hardware devices. Make sure the drivers you install on your computer are from the manufacturers of the hardware components, as they will be most reliable and up to date.
3. Keep your hardware free of dust and debris: Dust and debris can clog fans, block vents, and cause overheating, which can be a cause of hardware failure. Clean your hardware regularly with compressed air to remove any dust and debris.
4. Use surge protectors or uninterruptible power supply (UPS) devices: Power surges and outages can damage or corrupt hardware, leading to hardware issues. Surge protectors or UPS devices can help prevent this type of damage.
5. Install antivirus software: Viruses and other malicious software can damage or corrupt hardware, leading to hardware issues. Installing antivirus software can help detect and remove these threats before they can do any harm.
6. Perform regular maintenance: Performing regular maintenance on your hardware can help ensure that all components are functioning properly. This includes checking for component failure, replacing parts when necessary, and regularly cleaning fans and vents.
7. Monitor temperatures: Overheating can lead to hardware failure, so it is important to periodically check the internal temperature of your hardware components. If temperatures exceed the manufacturer’s recommended levels, you should take steps to cool down the system.
8. Regularly backup files and data: In the event that a hardware issue causes a complete system crash, having a recent backup of all your important data and files can help minimize the amount of data that is lost.
9. Use caution when handling hardware components: Whenever you are doing maintenance on your hardware components, use caution to avoid damaging them. Be gentle when handling parts and connectors, and only use the tools necessary to complete the task.
10. Store hardware in safe areas: If you need to store hardware components, make sure that they are in a dry, secure, and dust-free area. Storing hardware components in areas such as garages, unfinished basements, or sheds can lead to damage due to weather and other factors.