If you see a blue screen related to memory, here is what you should do:
1. Restart Your Computer Immediately: The first thing to do is to restart your computer immediately. This will help you determine if the blue screen was a one-time occurrence or a persistent issue.
2. Check All External Devices: It is possible that an external device such as a USB drive or external hard drive could be causing the blue screen error. Disconnect all of these devices and then try restarting your computer again.
3. Update or Replace Your Memory: If the problem is still occurring after restarting your computer and removing all external devices, then it is likely an issue with your memory. You should check your memory to make sure it is compatible with your computer and to make sure it is running the correct version of BIOS. If it is not, then you will need to update or replace the memory.
4. Run a Memory Diagnostic Tool: To check your memory and make sure it is functioning correctly, you can use a memory diagnostic tool. These tools are usually available for free online, and they can test your system’s memory to make sure there are no errors.
5. Check for Viruses and Malware: It is also possible that a virus or another form of malware could be causing the blue screen error. Make sure your system is clean by running a full scan with your antivirus and anti-malware programs.
6. Perform an Operating System Repair: If none of the above solutions work, then it is likely an issue with your operating system. You can perform a repair of the operating system to reinstall any corrupt files that may have caused the blue screen error.
7. Replace Your Hardware: If all other solutions fail, then you may need to replace hardware in your computer such as the RAM or CPU. Replacing hardware can be costly, so make sure to research the best options available before making a purchase.
These steps should help you resolve any blue screen error related to memory. However, if the error persists, you should contact a qualified technician who will be able to provide more advanced troubleshooting.