If you’re having trouble with your laptop battery not holding a charge, there are several steps you can take to try and resolve the issue.
Step 1: Check the power settings
Make sure your laptop isn’t set to sleep, hibernate or shut down when the battery gets low. Some laptops will shut down even when there is still power left, so setting the power options to ‘never’ can help you get more out of the battery.
Step 2: Monitor your usage
Try to limit the use of heavy applications like video games, photo editing software and streaming services as these can really drain your battery. Also, make sure your laptop isn’t using more power than it needs.
Step 3: Clean the connections
Dust and dirt can build up on your laptop’s vents, power connectors and USB ports, which can all interfere with the power supply. Make sure these are clean before plugging in or turning on your laptop.
Step 4: Replace the battery
If you’ve tried the above steps and your battery is still not holding a charge, then you may need to replace the battery. Be sure to purchase the correct type of battery for your laptop from a reputable and trusted supplier.
Step 5: Recalibrate the battery
Recalibrating the battery can help restore the lifespan of your laptop battery. To do this, you’ll need to fully charge the battery and then let it completely run down. Once it is completely drained, recharge the battery again and this should recalibrate it.
Step 6: Unplug appliances and devices
Try to unplug any appliances and devices that are connected to your laptop, such as printers and external hard drives, as these can draw power away from the main battery.
Step 7: Reduce the brightness
Reducing the brightness of your laptop’s screen can help your battery last longer, so make sure the brightness is set at a comfortable but not blinding level.
Step 8: Discharge your battery
If you’re not using your laptop, be sure to discharge the battery to at least 40% every few months. This helps to keep the battery in good working condition and improves its life expectancy.
Step 9: Use your laptop on AC power
It’s better to use your laptop on AC power whenever possible as this will help to preserve the battery’s life. It’s also important to let the battery completely discharge and recharge at least once a month to help keep it healthy.
Step 10: Consider buying a new laptop
If none of the above steps work and your laptop battery still won’t hold a charge, then it may be time to consider buying a new laptop. There are now many models available with excellent battery life and performance.
By following these steps, you should be able to get your laptop battery working properly and getting the most out of it. If you’re still having trouble, it’s best to take your laptop to a certified technician who can further diagnose the issue and recommend the best course of action.