What is the meaning of the “Long March”?

The Long March was a military retreat undertaken by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during the mid-1930s. Led by Mao Zedong and his deputy, Zhu De, the march stretched for around 8,000 kilometers (4,9760 miles) across some of the most rugged terrain in China. The march began in October 1934 and lasted for nearly a year and a half, ending in October 1935.

At the time of the march, China was in the midst of an internal conflict between the CCP and the Kuomintang (KMT) movement. The CCP had been founded in 1921 and was attempting to establish a Marxist-Leninist state in China. However, by 1933, the KMT, led by Chiang Kai-shek, had gained control of much of the country, leading the CCP to launch a successful guerrilla warfare campaign.

After several years of fighting, the CCP was driven out of its base at Jiangxi in south-eastern China by the KMT’s superior military forces. To avoid annihilation, the CCP leadership, including Mao, decided on a daring strategy—the Long March.

The march began with approximately 86,000 people, consisting mostly of CCP members, militia supporters and their families. During the march, the group endured hardships such as starvation, illness and extreme weather conditions. Many died along the way, reducing the original force to only 8,000 by the time it reached Yan’an in the north-west of China.

The Long March was significant for several reasons. Firstly, it allowed the CCP to escape the KMT’s military forces, which enabled it to regroup and plan future actions. Secondly, the march gained them both domestic and international recognition. Finally, and most importantly, it was a unifying experience that firmly established Mao as leader of the CCP and created a loyal following among its members.

Mao’s success during the Long March had a lasting effect on Chinese politics and culture. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in Chinese history and continues to be a source of national pride for millions of Chinese people. The term “Long March” has come to symbolize the courage, determination and resilience of the Chinese people in the face of adversity.