What is the fastest way to sort files by date in Windows?

The fastest way to sort files by date in Windows is to use the “Date Modified” sorting feature found in the view toolbar of any folder. This feature can quickly and easily sort files in the current directory according to their date of last modification.

To access this feature, open any folder in Windows Explorer and click on the “View” tab to reveal the view toolbar. Once the view toolbar is visible, click on the “Sort By” button and select “Date Modified” from the list that appears.

This action will immediately sort all the files in the folder according to their date of last modification, listing the most recently modified files first. If users wish to change this to an ascending order (oldest modified files first), they simply have to click again on the “Date Modified” option and the list will automatically reverse itself.

Using the “Date Modified” feature is not only the fastest way to sort files by date in Windows, but it is also the easiest, enabling users to quickly and easily find the files they need according to the date they were last modified.