What is the difference between Windows Defender and Anti-Virus software?

Windows Defender and antivirus software are both programs designed to detect and remove malicious software from computers. Windows Defender is a built-in security tool included in all versions of the Windows operating system since Windows Vista. It provides protection against various types of malware, including viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, and adware.

Antivirus software is a third-party program designed for more comprehensive protection. Most of these programs provide not only protection against known threats, but also offer proactive protection against unknown or emerging threats. Many of them offer additional features, such as real-time scanning, automated updates, firewalls, and parental controls.

The main difference between Windows Defender and antivirus software is their level of protection. While Windows Defender offers basic protection against most types of malware, third-party antivirus programs offer a much more comprehensive level of defense. Antivirus programs scan for more types of malware, including ransomware, rootkits, and zero-day exploits. They also have advanced features that Windows Defender does not have, such as heuristics-based scanning and behavior-based detection.

Another significant difference between Windows Defender and antivirus software is their update frequency. Windows Defender is updated regularly by Microsoft, while most third-party antivirus programs can be set to update automatically when new versions are released. This allows them to stay ahead of the latest threats, making them more effective at keeping computers safe.

In terms of performance, antivirus software generally offers faster scans than Windows Defender. Some programs are also optimized for different kinds of hardware, making them more efficient at using the available computing power.

Finally, the cost associated with the two options differs greatly. Windows Defender is free, while most antivirus programs come with a subscription fee. The cost of the subscription varies depending on the provider, so it’s important to shop around before committing to a particular program.

In conclusion, Windows Defender and antivirus software both offer protection against malicious software, but they differ in terms of their level of protection, update frequency, performance, and cost. While Windows Defender is an acceptable option for basic protection, users who need a more comprehensive security solution should consider investing in a quality antivirus program.