What are the common symptoms of a faulty graphics card?

1. Distorted or abnormal display on screen – The most common symptom of a faulty graphics card is a distorted or abnormal display on screen. This can manifest in a number of ways such as vertical or horizontal lines appearing on the display, random flickering or other visual anomalies that indicate a malfunctioning graphics card.

2. Unexpected shutdowns – A system shutdown without any warning can be an indicator of a malfunctioning graphics card. When the graphics card fails unexpectedly, the system may try to shut down in order to protect itself from further damage.

3. Unstable game performance – If the graphical performance of a game suddenly becomes unstable or “choppy”, it could be an indication of a faulty graphics card. You may notice that textures or objects are taking longer to load or are not appearing at all.

4. Excessive heat – Heat is a normal part of any computer system but if your the temperature of your computer is unusually high, it could mean that there is a faulty graphics card. Heat is released when a graphics card is not running correctly, which could lead to more serious problems.

5. High fan noise – Your fan should not be making extremely loud noises. If you hear your fan becoming increasingly louder, it could mean that your graphics card is not working properly and is overworking to keep the system cool.

6. No display – If the monitor is not displaying anything, it could be an indication that the graphics card is not functioning properly. There may also be no output from a connected television or projector.

7. Computer won’t boot up – If your computer won’t boot up at all, it could be due to a faulty graphics card. Since the graphics card is responsible for displaying information on the screen, it could be preventing the system from starting up.

8. Device driver errors – A device driver error relating to the graphics card could mean that the installed driver is not compatible with the hardware, or that the driver is outdated or corrupted.

9. Artifacts – Artifacts, strange blocky or pixelated graphics that appear on screen, could be an indication that the graphics card is not functioning properly. Artifacts can also appear in games and applications, indicating a problem with the graphics card.

10. Low frame rate – If you notice a sudden decrease in frame rate when playing a game or using certain applications, it could mean that a graphics card issue is preventing the system from performing optimally.