Download imDesktop
Animated Wallpaper, Live Wallpaper and Video Wallpapers for your PC
System Requirements: Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 (both 32-bit and 64-bit)
imDesktop - HD Animated Wallpaper
imDesktop - HD Static Wallpaper
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Everybody has a different way of standing out and/or expressing themselves. You see this daily, whether it be by a person's clothing, hair style, piercings, and even their computer wallpaper. Everybody wants to have something unique that none of their friends have seen before; something that really stands out.
One of the best ways to obtain an awesome and unique wallpaper is to try out one of our top-rated video wallpapers, live wallpapers, or screensavers.
Live Wallpapers are also known as animated wallpapers or moving backgrounds, but no matter what you call them they will definitely make your friends and family do a double-take when passing by your desktop or laptop guaranteed.
Online order our product is secure, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and Eurocard are accepted.