How to move a file from one folder to another in Windows?

Moving a file from one folder to another in Windows is a simple task. It can be done using either Windows File Explorer or the Run command. The process of moving a file is virtually the same in both cases; however, the Run command provides an alternative approach that may be faster for some users.

Using Windows File Explorer

1. Navigate to the folder containing your file.
2. Right-click on the file and select “Cut”.
3. Navigate to the destination folder.
4. Right-click within the folder and select “Paste”.

The file will now be moved into the destination folder.

Using the Run Command

1. Press the Windows Key + R keys to access the Run command.
2. Type “cmd” and hit enter. This will open a Command Prompt window.
3. Type the command “move” followed by the full path to the file you want to move (including the file name). For example: move C:\Documents\MyFile.txt.
4. Add the path to the destination folder at the end of the command. For example: move C:\Documents\MyFile.txt C:\DestinationFolder.

The file will now be moved into the destination folder.

Additional Options

If you need to move several files at once, then you can use the wildcard character (*), which acts as a placeholder for any characters. For example, if you wanted to move all files in a folder ending with .txt, you could use the command “move C:\Documents\*.txt C:\DestinationFolder”. This would move all files ending with .txt from the Documents folder to the DestinationFolder.

You can also use the “copy” command instead of the “move” command if you want to keep a copy of the file in its original location. To do this, simply replace the “move” command with the “copy” command in the steps outlined above.

Finally, you can also create a shortcut of the file to the destination folder. To do this, right-click on the file and select “Create Shortcut”. Navigate to the destination folder and right-click again and select “Paste Shortcut”. This will create a shortcut of the file in the destination folder, which links back to the original file.

Moving a file from one folder to another in Windows is a simple and straightforward task. Windows File Explorer offers a convenient way to move files, while the Run command provides an alternate approach that may be faster for some users. Additionally, you can use the wildcard character to move multiple files at once or create a shortcut of the file in the destination folder.