How do I scan for viruses on Windows?

To scan for viruses on Windows, it is recommended to use a reliable antivirus program. There are hundreds of antiviruses available for Windows, both free and paid, but the most popular ones are generally considered to be Avast, Avira, and Kaspersky.

Once you have chosen an antivirus, the installation and setup process should be relatively straightforward. Depending on your internet connection it may take some time to download the antivirus, but once the installation is complete your computer will be ready for virus scanning.

The first step after installation is to schedule a scan for viruses. To do this, look for the ‘scheduler’ or ‘schedule scan’ options within the settings of your chosen antivirus. This will allow you to set up specific times when the computer will automatically scan itself for viruses.

It is recommended that you schedule regular scans, either daily or weekly, to ensure your computer is always protected against the latest viruses and malware. Some antiviruses also provide options to scan the computer whenever a USB device is connected or a system update is installed, which can provide extra protection against any malicious software that may be trying to enter your computer via these methods.

Once scheduled scans are enabled, the scan itself should be quite simple. You will usually see a progress bar indicating how far through the scan the antivirus is. If any suspicious or malicious programs are found, the antivirus may stop the scan and prompt you to take action. Depending on the type of malware detected, the antivirus may even be able to remove it without prompting you.

You should also consider setting up more advanced scans such as deep or thorough scans. These will take longer but they can detect threats that may not be picked up by regular scans. Additionally, some antivirus programs let you exclude certain files and folders from being scanned, which can help to speed up the scanning process.

Finally, it’s worth noting that antivirus programs can only protect your computer from the threats that it knows about. Therefore, you should always make sure you keep your antivirus up to date with the newest virus definitions, as new viruses and malicious software are discovered every day. Malwarebytes is an excellent additional security tool to have installed on your computer, as it is designed to protect against the latest malware threats that may not yet be detected by antivirus programs.

In summary, scanning for viruses on Windows is important for protecting your computer against malicious software. It is best to choose a reliable antivirus and then schedule regular scans to protect your computer. Additionally, you should update virus definitions regularly and consider using additional security tools to provide the most comprehensive protection against virus attacks.