How do I delete a file or folder permanently?

Deleting files and folders is not as simple as it seems. It is important to understand how the deletion process works and how to ensure that files and folders are permanently removed.

First, it is important to understand the concept of data recovery. Data recovery is the process of attempting to recover lost, inaccessible, corrupted, or formatted data from a storage medium, such as a hard drive, CD-ROM, flash drive, or other type of media. When data is deleted from a device, the information is not actually removed from the card or hard drive, but instead is marked as “free space” and can be overwritten by new data. This means that if a person has professional data recovery software, they could potentially retrieve your deleted data at any time.

In order to delete a file or folder permanently and make sure it cannot be recovered with professional data recovery software, the necessary steps should be taken.

The first step is to empty the Recycle Bin. The recycle bin is designed to store deleted files and folders in case they are needed again in the future. If you delete a file and put it in the Recycle Bin, it will remain there until you empty the Recycle Bin. To empty the Recycle Bin, open the Recycle Bin and select all items, then press the “Delete” key on your keyboard. Once the Recycle Bin is emptied, the files and folders you deleted will be gone.

The second step is to use a file shredder program. A file shredder is a secure deletion program that permanently eliminates data from a computer or portable storage device. It works by writing over the targeted files with random characters or zeros, making it impossible to undelete them. There are many file shredder programs available, both free and paid, that offer different levels of security. For example, some programs will just overwrite the deleted file one time, while others can overwrite it up to seven times. Be sure to choose the right program to permanently delete your files.

The third step is to check for hidden files. Some operating systems create hidden files that are not visible unless the user has enabled the “show hidden files” option. These hidden files may contain references to deleted files and folders, so before you delete something, you should check for hidden files and delete them too.

Finally, you should consider using a disk wipe utility. A disk wipe utility is a powerful tool which securely deletes all files and folders on a disk, including any existing data, in addition to any deleted data. It works by writing over the entire disk with zeros or random data, making it impossible to undelete any of the data. Disk wiping should be used as a last resort to completely erase all files and folders from a disk, including any remnants of deleted items.

By following these steps, you can delete a file or folder permanently and prevent them from being recovered. However, it is important to remember that deleted items are often still recoverable, even after you have taken all the necessary steps. Therefore, it is advisable not to store any sensitive data on a computer or storage device unless it is absolutely necessary.