How do I compress an audio file?

Audio compression is the process of reducing the size of audio files by eliminating redundant or unnecessary parts, while maintaining the overall quality of the audio file. It is an important aspect of audio production and digital delivery as it reduces the file size while still providing high-quality sound.

Audio compression can be done in a variety of ways, depending on the type of audio file being compressed. Common methods include:

Lossless Compression:

Lossless compression is used when you want to keep the original audio quality unchanged. This type of compression works by detecting the differences between consecutive samples and compressing them into a smaller representation without any data loss. Examples of lossless audio formats are FLAC, ALAC, and WMA Lossless.

Lossy Compression:

Lossy compression is ideal for audio files that don’t require the highest level of audio quality. This type of compression strips away some of the audio data to reduce file size, resulting in files that are much smaller than their lossless counterparts. Common lossy file formats are MP3, AAC, and Ogg Vorbis.


Resampling is a type of audio compression that involves manipulating the sampling rate and bit depth of a digital audio file. By decreasing the sampling rate and/or bit depth, the file size can be significantly reduced while still retaining most of the original audio quality.

Dynamic Range Compression:

Dynamic range compression (DRC) is a technique used to reduce the dynamic range of an audio signal by reducing the gap between the loudest and softest sounds. This type of compression is typically used to make a louder recording and can be used to create a “loudness war” sound.

Waveform Encoding:

Waveform encoding is a type of audio compression that uses psychoacoustic models to reduce the size of a digital audio file. The data is encoded and stored in a way that eliminates anything that can’t be heard by the human ear. Examples of waveform encoding formats are ATRAC and AAC.

Speech Coding:

Speech coding is a form of audio compression specifically designed for voice recordings. It works by removing silence and background noise and converting the audio signal into a series of packets in order to optimize storage space. Common speech coding formats include GSM and Speex.

No matter which method you choose, audio compression can be a great way to reduce file size while still maintaining the quality of the audio. With the right tools and techniques, audio compression can help you optimize your audio files for digital delivery or save valuable storage space.