How do I check the properties of a file?

The properties of a file refer to the various pieces of information related to that file, such as its size, type, location, and access permissions. Depending on the operating system and what type of file it is, there may be additional properties that can be checked. In this article, we will explore how to check the properties of a file in the Windows and MacOS operating systems.


In Windows, the best way to view the properties of a file is by right-clicking on the file and selecting “Properties” from the context menu. This will open a new window with several tabs containing different details about the file.

The General tab provides an overview of the file’s name, type, size, and location. It also tells you when the file was last modified, as well as who modified it and what permissions are in place for it.

The next tab, Security, lets you see who has access to the file and what level of access they have. This is especially useful if you need to manage user or group permissions.

The Details tab contains more detailed information about the file, such as its author, creation date, and other metadata. It also includes thumbnails of image files, allowing you to quickly get a preview of the file without having to open it.

The final tab, Previous Versions, shows all the versions of the file that have been saved in the past. This is useful for keeping track of changes that have been made to the file over time.


In MacOS, the easiest way to view the properties of a file is to select it and press the Command (⌘) + i. This will open the “Get Info” window which contains information about the file, including its name, type, size, location, and access permissions.

The “General” section of the Get Info window shows an overview of the file, including who created it, when it was last modified, and where it is located. It also contains information about the file’s size, type, and its associated application.

The “More Info” section provides more detailed information about the file, such as its author, creation date, and other metadata. It also includes thumbnails of image files, allowing you to quickly get a preview of the file without having to open it. The “Preview” section gives a quick preview of the file.

The “Sharing & Permissions” section lets you see who has access to the file and what level of access they have. This is especially useful if you need to manage user or group permissions.

Finally, the “Versions” section allows you to keep track of all the versions of the file that have been saved in the past. This is useful for tracking changes that have been made to the file over time.

In conclusion, checking the properties of a file can provide valuable information about its size, type, location, access permissions, and other details. Depending on the operating system and type of file, there may be additional information available. In the Windows and MacOS operating systems, the best way to view the properties of a file is to right-click it or use the Command + i shortcut. This will open a new window with several tabs containing different details about the file.