1. Open the Control Panel. To open the Control Panel, click the Start menu in the lower left corner of your desktop. Then scroll to the bottom of the list and select “Control Panel”.
2. Select “Appearance and Personalization”. Once you are in the Control Panel, look for the section that says “Appearance and Personalization”. Click on it to bring up the different display settings.
3. Adjust the screen resolution. The screen resolution setting will be the first setting listed in the Appearance and Personalization menu. It allows you to adjust the size of everything on your screen, from text to images. To adjust it, simply click the drop-down menu and select the desired resolution.
4. Adjust other display settings. After you have adjusted the screen resolution, you can then adjust other settings such as text size, the color scheme, and the size of icons and other items on the screen. To adjust these settings, click the “Adjust screen resolution” link under the “Appearance and Personalization” heading. You can then adjust the various settings according to your preference.
5. Save your changes. Once you have finished adjusting all of your settings, click the “Apply” button at the bottom of the window to save your changes. If you do not wish to keep them, click the “Cancel” button and the changes will not be saved.
By following these steps you should be able to adjust the display settings in the Control Panel and customize your desktop to fit your needs.