1. Adjusting system performance settings can be done in a variety of ways depending on your system, operating system, and program. Here are some basic steps to help you get started:
2. Right click “My Computer” or “This PC” and select “Manage”. On the left panel of the new window, click on “System Tools” followed by “Performance Settings”.
3. Once you are in the Performance Settings window, you will see four sections: General, Advanced, Visual Effects, and System Services. Under each section you can make changes to the sliders in order to adjust your system performance settings.
4. In the General section, you can adjust your processor scheduling and memory usage. These sliders control how much processing power and RAM is allocated to applications. It is recommended that you set it to “Adjust for best performance”.
5. In the Advanced section, you can adjust the size of the page file and virtual memory. The page file is an area of your hard drive where Windows stores files temporarily when there isn’t enough physical memory available. If you find your system slowing down, it may be because the page file size is too small.
6. You can also adjust the size of the virtual memory. Virtual memory is an area of your hard drive that Windows stores files temporarily if the physical memory runs out. This setting can also cause your system to slow down if it is set too low.
7. In the Visual Effects section, you can adjust the appearance of the user interface by choosing between “Best Appearance” and “Best Performance”. Choosing the latter option may help to improve the system performance, as fewer resources are required for visual effects.
8. Finally, in the System Services section, you can manage the services that run in the background on your system. Services that are not necessary for the use of your system can be disabled to free up resources for other tasks. For example, you may want to disable Windows Search to improve the speed of searches on your system.
9. After you have adjusted your system performance settings, you should restart your system for the changes to take effect.
10. As mentioned earlier, these are just some basic steps to help you adjust your system performance settings. Depending on your system and programs, there may be more options available.