Adjusting Date and Time settings in the Windows Control Panel is a fairly easy process. First, open the Windows Control Panel by clicking on the Start icon. Once the Control Panel loads, locate the “Date and Time” panel and select it. When the Date and Time panel is opened, you will see the current settings for Date and Time on the top. Here you can change the following: Year, Month, Day, Time, and Time Zone.
Under the “Year” field, enter the current year. Under the “Month” field, enter the current month. Under the “Day” field, enter the current day of the month.
Under the “Time” fields, enter the current time. Make sure to include the hours, minutes, and seconds.
In the “Time Zone” section, use the drop-down menu to select your local time zone.
Once you’re done configuring the date and time, click “OK” at the bottom of the screen. This will save the changes and apply them to your system.
If you want to change the format of how the date and time are displayed, you can do so from the “Additional Settings” tab in the Date and Time panel. Here you can change the type of calendar format, the language used for dates, and the type of time format. To apply the changes, make sure to click “OK” at the bottom of the screen.
That’s all there is to changing the date and time settings in the Windows Control Panel. By following the steps described above, you should have no issues adjusting your date and time settings accurately.