1. Open the Control Panel from the Start Menu. You can access the Control Panel by clicking on the Start button, then selecting Control Panel.
2. Select “Appearance and Personalization”. In the Control Panel window, scroll down to select the “Appearance and Personalization” option.
3. Select “Display”. From the list of options in the Appearance and Personalization area, select “Display”.
4. Choose “Adjust brightness or contrast”. Select this option to adjust your display brightness and contrast settings.
5. Use the keypad to adjust the settings. At the next screen, use the up-and-down arrows or the plus and minus keys to adjust the settings. As you adjust these settings, your display will update to show you the changes live.
6. Select “OK” when you’ve finished. Once you have the settings to your liking, click the OK button to confirm and save the changes. Your display brightness or contrast settings are now adjusted.