The Advanced System Settings window gives you access to many important settings related to your computer, including: user accounts, system protection, performance, remote access, system devices, environment variables and more.
If you’re running Windows 10, here’s how to open Advanced System Settings:
1. Open the Start menu and type in the search bar “advanced system settings”
2. From the results that appear, click on the “View advanced system settings” link
3. This will open the System Properties window where you can adjust advanced system settings.
If you’re running an earlier version of Windows, here’s how to open Advanced System Settings:
1. Go to the Start menu, right-click on “My Computer” or “Computer”, and then select “Properties”.
2. This will open the System Properties window where you can adjust advanced system settings.
Once you have the System Properties window open, you will be able to view and edit the advanced system settings. At the top of the window, you will find a list of tabs that allow you to access different areas of the settings. By clicking on a tab, you’ll be able to access its corresponding settings.
The various tabs available allow you to customize the following:
• Computer Name: allows you to change the name of your computer, which is displayed in your network.
• Advanced: allows you to adjust options related to the Performance of your computer, as well as hardware, startup and recovery, User Profiles and Environment Variables.
• System Protection: sets up system restore points so that you can recover your computer at any given point. It also offers the ability to create a disk image of your installation.
• Remote: allows you to access your computer remotely if you use virtual private networks (VPN).
• Hardware: lets you view and manage the hardware on your computer, such as printers, external storage devices, sound cards and more.
• Environment Variables: allows you to adjust the system environment variables. This can be used to customize the behavior of certain programs or change the appearance of the Windows interface.
• Startup and Recovery: lets you customize the way your computer starts up and recovers if it crashes.
• User Accounts: lets you manage user accounts on your computer and adjust other settings related to user accounts.
Once you’ve made the necessary changes to the advanced system settings, it is strongly recommended that you restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
In this way, you can access and use the Advanced System Settings window to customize various aspects of your computer. This can help you tailor the system to your needs, or troubleshoot any potential issues that may arise.