There are several ways to hide a file on a computer, many of which depend on the type of operating system that is installed. Below are some methods for various computer operating systems:
Microsoft Windows
1. Rename the file with a period in front of its name. For example, renaming a file music.txt to .music.txt will make it hidden.
2. Create a new folder and set its properties to be “Hidden”. Then move the file to that folder. This method will work on Windows XP, Vista, and 7.
3. Change the file attributes from the “Properties” dialog box. To do this, right-click on the file and select “Properties.” On the “General” tab, check the box labeled “Hidden” and click “OK.” This method is only available in Windows 7.
Apple OSX
1. Rename the file with a period in front of its name. For example, renaming a file music.txt to .music.txt will make it invisible.
2. Use the Terminal application to give the file the “hidden” flag attribute. Open Terminal (located in Applications – Utilities) and enter the command – chflags hidden filename.
3. Enable the hidden files visibility setting in the Terminal application. Enter the command defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE and then press Return.
1. Rename the file with a period in front of its name. For example, renaming a file music.txt to .music.txt will make it hidden.
2. Use the chattr command in the Terminal window. Enter the command chattr +i filename and press Return.
3. Create a new folder and set its properties to be “Hidden”. Then move the file to that folder.
These are just a few of the ways to make a file hidden on your computer. Depending on the particular operating system you use, there may be other methods available as well. It is best to consult with your system’s documentation or a more in-depth user guide to find out other methods of hiding files.