1. Delete temporary files and folders: Unnecessary files and folders take up space, so removing them can free up disk space and improve your system performance.
2. Uninstall unused programs: Uninstalling unused programs, especially games and large applications, can help you recover disk space and improve your system performance.
3. Remove browser extensions and plugins: Browser extensions and plugins use up RAM, which can slow down your system. Disabling unnecessary extensions or plugins can help improve its performance.
4. Disable unnecessary startup programs: Programs that start automatically when you turn on your computer can slow it down. Disabling unnecessary startup programs can speed up your system performance.
5. Move files and folders to an external drive: Storing files and folders on an external drive can help free up disk space.
6. Use a disk cleanup utility: Running a disk cleanup utility can help locate and remove unnecessary files from your system, which can free up disk space and improve your system performance.