1. Open the Control Panel.
2. Choose the Network and Internet category, then select Network and Sharing Center.
3. In the left sidebar, choose Change Adapter Settings. Here you’ll see a list of the network connections associated with your computer.
4. Double-click on the adapter you want to modify. This will open the Properties window for that specific connection.
5. From here, you can adjust different settings based on the type of connection you’re using. For example, if you are using an Ethernet connection, you can change the IP address and DNS Server settings, as well as configure specific options such as Media Sensing, Proxy Settings, and Wake on LAN.
6. If you’re using a wireless connection, you can adjust various settings such as the SSID, encryption type, channel, and more.
7. In some cases, you may also be able to configure advanced settings such as QoS, VLANs, and other networking parameters.
8.Once you finish making any changes, click OK to apply them. Your connection should now be configured based on the settings you specified.
9. You can also manage any VPN connections from this window by double-clicking on the relevant VPN connection and adjusting the settings as desired.
10. You can also manage Bluetooth connections from here. Just double-click on the Bluetooth connection and specify which services you’d like to use.
11.If you’re connecting to a public or private Wi-Fi network, you can view and edit those settings by clicking on the Wi-Fi tab in the left sidebar. Here, you can choose a network to connect to, configure proxy settings, and more.
12. Finally, you can use the Advanced tab to configure specific networking features such as IPv4 and/or IPv6 settings, network authentication settings, and more.
13. When you’re finished making changes, close all windows and your network connection should now be configured according to your specifications.