You can adjust sound, audio, and related settings in control panel by following these steps:
1. Open the Start menu, and then select the Control Panel.
2. In the Control Panel, locate and double-click on the icon for Sound. This will open up the Sounds window which displays all of your sound and audio settings.
3. From this window, you can adjust several general sound settings. Under the Playback tab, you can choose which device will be used as your default playback device. You can also select other playback devices to configure them with various sound effects.
4. Under the Recording tab, you can select the microphone or capture device that you would like to use. This is useful if you’re using an external microphone, such as a headset.
5. Under the Communication tab, you can select a microphone, speaker, and/or headset which will be used for communications, such as Skype and other voice chat applications.
6. Under the Sounds tab, you can assign sound events to sounds from your computer’s library or from a sound file that you choose. You can also select if no sound should be played for certain events.
7. The last tab is called Advanced, and it provides options for adjusting speaker configuration, sample size, and other advanced sound settings.
8. After making the desired adjustments, click on the Apply button to save your changes.
By following these steps, you can easily adjust sound, audio, and related settings in control panel.