Who led the Boxer Rebellion?

The Boxer Rebellion, also known as the Yihetuan Movement, was an anti-imperialist and anti-Christian uprising that took place in China between 1899 and 1901. The Rebellion had a variety of leaders at different stages, but the figurehead who ultimately led the uprising was titled the “Guan Er-Lang”, or “Leader” of the Movement. This position was held by several powerful Chinese leaders who sought to expel foreign forces from their country and restore traditional Chinese culture. The Guan Er-Lang changed multiple times during the course of the Rebellion, but the following individuals were all key figures in leading the Boxer Rebellion:

1. Empress Dowager Cixi: Often seen as the leader of the Boxers, Cixi was the central figure behind the Yihetuan Movement, despite her relative distance from the actual events. As the mother of the six-year-old Emperor Guangxu, Cixi used her influence over the weak Emperor to influence political decisions and stir up anti-foreign sentiment among the people.

2. Zeng Guofan: A prominent military leader of the Qing Dynasty, Zeng Guofan played a pivotal role in the Boxer Rebellion by leading the Qing army against the rebels and suppressing their uprising. He managed to drive back the Boxers and restore imperial control over the empire.

3. Li Hongzhang: One of the most powerful officials in the Qing court, Li Hongzhang was well known for his diplomatic and military skills during the Boxer Rebellion. He was vocally opposed to the uprising, seeing it as an unhelpful distraction from the challenges of modernizing China. Despite this, he remained loyal to the Qing Empire and helped it regain control over the country.

4. Yuxian: Yuxian was a general of the Boxers, known for his fiery rhetoric and attempts to rally the peasants to the Boxer cause. He was one of the most vocal leaders of the Boxer Rebellion and actively encouraged the people to rise up against foreigners and reclaim China.

5. Yin Changheng: A Taiping Rebel warlord, Yin Changheng was a close ally of Yuxian and joined forces with the Boxers in 1900. He was a powerful voice of the Boxer Rebellion and was noted for his charisma and tactical prowess in battle.

6. Zhang Jinghui: Zhang Jinghui was another powerful warlord and one of the key figures leading the rebellion. He was a fierce advocate for the Boxers and organized attacks on Christian missionaries and Chinese Christians during the uprising.

7. Du Hanlin: Du Hanlin was a Chinese scholar and official of the Qing court, who actively supported the Boxer Rebellion and its goals. He advocated for traditional Chinese culture and sought to expel foreign influences from the country.

Ultimately, the Boxer Rebellion was led and supported by a variety of powerful Chinese leaders and warlords, who all sought to restore Chinese culture and push out foreign influences. Although the Rebellion ultimately failed, it remains an important event in Chinese history and its leaders are still remembered today.