What great Chinese philosopher wrote the Analects?

The great Chinese philosopher who wrote the Analects was Confucius (孔子, Kongzi). He was a Chinese teacher, philosopher, politician, and editor of the ancient Chinese classic texts, who is traditionally considered to be the founder of Confucianism.

Confucius was born in 551 B.C.E. in the Chinese state of Lu (or Lǔ). He was raised by his father, who worked as an official for the local government, and taught himself various Chinese Classics. As a young adult, he began teaching and, over time, attracted many students, who studied under him and helped him spread his teachings. One of his famous followers, Mencius, described Confucius as “a transmitter who invented nothing”.

The Analects is a collection of Confucius’ teachings, compiled by Confucius’ students after his death. It is one of the Four Books, which are considered foundational texts of Confucianism. The Analects is composed of short dialogues between Confucius and his disciples, who were interested in political and moral philosophy. Confucius believed that education was the basis of a successful society, and he emphasized self-cultivation, altruism, respect, and proper behavior between individuals and within the family.

In the Analects, Confucius discussed many important topics, including propriety, humaneness (rén), the practice of benevolence and justice, the pursuit of knowledge, filial piety, the importance of self-cultivation, and the value of trustworthiness. These topics, which form the core of Confucianism, are still relevant today.

The Analects has had a profound influence on Chinese culture, philosophy, and religion. It remains one of the most influential philosophical works in history. It continues to be read and studied by scholars and laypeople alike in order to gain a better understanding of the teachings of Confucius.